Registration for HMC Boston 2025 HAS REACHED MAXIMUM CAPACITY!!

Please fill out our waitlist form

steps in the REgistration Process:

(1) Apply

Register for HMC Boston 2025 by filling out the above form. Please do not complete steps 2 and 3 until HMC reaches out to you about the status of your registration.

Please refer to the registration guide for all details!

(2) Submit School Fee

Visit the fees page for more information about conference costs and how to pay the school fee. This will reserve your school’s spot at the conference.

(3) Finalize Registration

All fees (school & delegate) must be received and all final role requests completed. Your school will then be ready to attend HMC 2025!


August 1, 2024: Registration Opens

September 15, 2024: Early Registration Ends

November 15, 2024: Regular Registration Ends (only open until capacity)

November 30, 2024: Registration and Delegate Fees Due

December 15, 2024: Role Requests and Assignments

January 15, 2025: Hotel Payment Due

February 7, 2025: Delegate Pre-Conference Assignments Due

February 20-23, 2025: HMC 2025 Conference

If you have already registered and still need to pay delegate fees, please see the link below. If you have not yet registered, please do so before paying.

For all payments by check, make sure to use the following address:

Harvard Model Congress

59 Shepard Street

PO Box 72

Cambridge, MA 02138

If you have any questions not covered in the registration guide, please feel free to reach out to our faculty liaison at