Breaking News: Is President Trump in Danger?

By: Payton Blake, Liz Hoegel, Aarohi Desai, Lilly Kupersmit

This morning, at 9:55 AM E.T., President Trump’s daughter was kidnapped by Wizards. While the whereabouts of his daughter are still unknown, the wizards responsible held a press conference with President Trump in attendance.

The wizards claimed to want to enforce an integration of wizards into the non-magicworld; they wanted to work with multiple government officials to provide a smooth integration of the wizarding and non-wizarding communities. The wizard representatives vowed for a safe integration, yet altercations have already occurred. In fact—as mentioned previously—a woman claimed to be in a wizard motivated attack. Her encounters with dark magic brings forth the crucial question: Are wizards a threat to society and the human race as a whole?

In a private interview with Donald Trump, he expressed only mild concern for his safety. When asked about his basic freedom of movement, Trump claimed that he “was basically being held hostage,” but “it was okay because…[he] was here for his daughter.” 

Furthermore, when asked specifically about the wizards in attendance and their actions, Trump deflected. Despite the Wizarding Minister of the Ministry of Magic claiming that non-wizarding persons or “muggles” were “lesser-abled and lesser-people,” Trump assumed that he “ate bad sushi or something.”  Following this response, Trump was asked to “blink twice if he was in danger.” Trump followed with two sequential blinks.

When asked about the troubles of fostering cooperation between the two groups, Adrian Prewett, the Wizarding Minister of Foreign Affairs and Elias Moosk, the CEO of Nimbus Brooms, the leading company for wizard broom production, quickly agreed that the President was the most difficult world leader to work with. 

Prewett additionally revealed that the “President has his troubles with his strong opinions.” Such opinions directly conflict with Prewett and Moosk’s intent to “set a narrative for the media”, silencing human voices. 

Despite their responses, both parties—wizard-born and non-magic users—seemed in good spirits when the press-conference ended. President Trump left with a smile on his face and the wizards followed in suit, performing as a united front despite the clear internal struggles presented from both sides.