Breaking: National Economic Council Considers Invading Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran

By: Sadie Linnick and Stella Viscioso

In an unprecedented turn of events, the National Economic Council is considering military action against Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq as the United States grapples with a devastating solar flare crisis. The solar flare has rendered multiple crucial satellites unusable, leading to widespread disruptions in communications, GPS systems, power grids, reliable internet access, and aviation operations. 

With the US facing a severe energy shortage due to the crisis, NEC officials proposed the Bill to Save America, which states that the United States should “take the opportunity to invade Saudi Arabia to secure energy infrastructure.” In an exclusive interview, Deputy Administrator of the Small Business Administration Bill Briggs revealed that he believes “it’s important to invade foreign countries while America has the chance, we need to capitalize off of this crisis.”

This proposal, however, has sparked fierce debate within the council. Critics of the bill argue that an invasion of sovereign nations would provoke significant geopolitical backlash and possibly escalate into a full scale global conflict. Additionally, with communication systems heavily affected, military operations could face challenges in coordination and intelligence gathering. 

As the crisis unfolds, the world watches anxiously, uncertain whether the U.S. will choose diplomacy or war in its desperate bid to recover from the solar flare catastrophe.